so don't, you get fresh with me
ok so yes what if it's true? we are a slacking blog bunch of non-bloggers. refrains of 'why don't you blog about it?' have transversed and transubstantiated themselves into little bits of non-blogging in the real live lived ((u&i)multi))verse. overstand me?
ok so yes we been busy making windows and watching wiry ones walk down planks while bulbs go Boom! and people go Oom! ("cestquoica?")...hmm....johnny v been on ice w. + pints de' G and allon-zhays a plen-tay. hay? readingmachine thoughtmechanic #129: zadie l'academe to paul gone brooklyn. that 9th restraint will be drawn on march29 at IFC in NYc. abbreviatedly of course.
ok so yes on march 28 one certain rjpie will pass from quarter cen. to that +1. festive celebrates. justlikethesundo! mark my words.
johnny v passes time with t (earlygris) + sings hooks to beatchants he ain't even spoke yet. henrik svensk just reappeared to add acoustic strums and fun. but my bass ain't got no name yet.
Q1: any ideers?
Q2: if casa's booked til augusti, where will no-1 make an m.royal cd-offering e-vent?
NB: overheard; on fateful march 29 ))between the ides(( shadows will be revealed to revelers.
Q3: who has got us a picture perfect to compliment the chef?
drop it like it's hot, fools. it ain't nuthin but a g-thang. and that's why...
'we always hang in a zoobizarre stance'
so don't
(you go gettin any ideas)